Rosé Bracelets Stack


This jewels trio is made of bracelets Pure, Rosé and Soft.


This bracelet is made of Agate and Rose Quartz

Agate is one of the oldest stone. It attracts strength, improves concentration and perception. It’s known to stabilize the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. It grounds, clears the mind, calms, soothes and uplifts thoughts. It enables bursts of energy as needed. Overall, the stone is known to rebalance and harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. It is also believed to be beneficial to the circulatory system and aid in relieving anxiety. It is a very happy stone that balances the yin yang energy.


This bracelet is made of Rose Quartz


This delicate bracelet is made of natural white shell pearls.

Size: 7'' each bracelet



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