Bracelet 7 Chakras - Kid
This bracelet is made of lava, jade, lapis lazuli, turquoise, aventurine, coral, jasper and fire agate
Lava stone is probably the oldest and most frequently found worldwide. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black, creating the beautiful black color so many have come to love. Because it comes from raw energy, it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment. It’s believed to provide strength (physical and mental) and provides stability in times of change. A very grounding stone, black Lava strengths our connection to the earth.
Jade is considered to be a lucky charm. It helps to reach your goal and dreams, promotes courage, generosity and longevity, and reach to a richer fulfilled life. It balances emotion, provides endurance, great energy and peace.
The name of this stone comes from the Latin word ''lapis'', which means stone, and from the Arabic word ''azul'', which means blue. Lapis Lazuli is said to bring self-confidence, truthfulness, openness and inner tranquility. As it assists one in expressing feelings and emotions, Lapis helps to bond relationships of love and friendship. It encourages self-awareness by standing out for oneself and taking charge of one’s life.
Turquoise stone is known to strengthen the whole body, promote the absorption of nutrients, tissue regeneration, and circulation. It increases growth, muscular strength, helps relieving stress by grounding and controlling our ideas and emotions. This stone is empowering and brings luck, success, ambition and creativity.
Aventurine is the first stone to attract luck, abundance and success. It harmonizes, protects the heart and brings comfort and balance. It is known to be a manifestation stone that helps bringing dreams to reality as well as courage and inner strength.
Coral is known as a sacred gemstone Tibetan culture. It is a good aid for meditation or visualization. It is a symbol of modesty, wisdom, happiness and immortality. Coral can reduce stress and fears and combats nervousness, fear, depression, panic and nightmares. Coral is used to attract success and wealth and strengthens foresight.
Jasper is known to be one of the oldest gemstones. It comes in many colors and all colors will help balance the vibrations of the body. Jasper helps us release our tendencies to over think or over analyze things. When you wear it, your mood lifts immediately. Jasper is a wonderful stone for centering as well as increasing your appreciation for the joys of life.
Fire agate stimulates vitality and has a deep calming energy that brings security and safety. It is a protection stone with strong grounding powers.